Living Fearlessly Self Catalyst Program


Order today AND get two videos series added to your order at no cost: A Whole New Way of Thinking About Fear and  A Whole New Way of Thinking About Worry  (value $40)

Each session in this self-study catalyst program was created with one aim in mind – to give you the experience of what it is to live without fear. While that may seem impossible, it’s actually the way human beings are designed to operate in the world.

The “fear function” in the human operating system is meant to work as a kind of a check engine light for the mind, letting us know when our thinking is taking us away from the present moment and into scary scenarios from the past or future.

Once you see fear for what it truly is, it leads to a game-changing realization about the human condition:

You don’t have to be afraid – and it’s perfectly OK if you are.

Join me for this surprisingly fun and transformative exploration of what it’s like to live fearlessly – to show up, be yourself, and see what happens with nothing to fear and everything to play for.


What if it were possible to live your life without fear, worry, or anxiety getting in your way?

What if fear isn’t connected to what’s happening in your world but rather a response to what’s happening inside your mind?

What would you do with your one and only precious life if you weren’t afraid?

Join me for this surprisingly fun and transformative exploration of what it’s like to live fearlessly – to show up, be yourself, and see what happens with nothing to fear and everything to play for.

Living Fearlessly

Each session in this self-study catalyst program was created with one aim in mind – to give you the experience of what it is to live without fear. While that may seem impossible, it’s actually the way human beings are designed to operate in the world.

The “fear function” in the human operating system is meant to work as a kind of a check engine light for the mind, letting us know when our thinking is taking us away from the present moment and into scary scenarios from the past or future.

Once you see fear for what it truly is, it leads to a game-changing realization about the human condition:

You don’t have to be afraid – and it’s perfectly OK if you are.


Cost: $99

Join me for this surprisingly fun and transformative exploration of what it’s like to live fearlessly – to show up, be yourself, and see what happens with nothing to fear and everything to play for.

If order your copy of Living Fearlessly today you’ll receive two bonus videos series that are yours to keep!


Order today and get A Whole New Way of Thinking about Fear and Worry added to your order at no cost!

Here's what we'll be exploring together, session by session:

Session One: There’s No Such Thing as Fear

If you’ve spent a lot of time trying to cope and deal with fear and anxiety, the idea that “there’s no such thing as fear” probably sounds a bit delusional. But you can’t put fear in a wheelbarrow – and as soon as you stop thinking about fear as something that happens to you and recognize it as something created from inside your mind, your relationship with fear begins to change for the better.

Session Two: A Whole New Way of Thinking About the Past

Does it ever feel like with a past like yours, being scared is both a logical and inevitable response to life? As you listen to the real life stories in this session, your understanding of “past”, “present”, and “future” will begin to change. And as you gain insight into what it means to live “before the because”, you’ll find life starts feeling a lot less scary and heck of a lot more fun.

Session Three: You’re Not Afraid of What You Think You’re Afraid Of

Have you ever wondered why you’re afraid of different things than other people, and why they’re afraid of different things than you? As you’ll discover in this session, the reason is surprisingly simple. And when you start to see that you’re never afraid of what you think you’re afraid of – you’re afraid of what you think – your experience of the world around you begins to change for the better.

Session Four: The Space Before Fear

Whether we call it “the space before fear”, “your true nature”, or even just “being yourself”, it is not only possible to live our lives from a place of profound wellbeing regardless of our circumstances, it’s an essential part of our divine architecture. In this session, you’ll be exploring the truth of who you are and how well you’re made – and how nothing needs to change for you to experience less fear, more wellbeing, and greater success with less effort and more ease than ever before.

Here's the introduction for you to enjoy:

Here's more of what we'll be exploring together, session by session:​

Session Five: parts one and two – An Unhelpful Habit

What if fear as we experience it is nothing more than an unhelpful habit of thought? And what if it’s easier to drop a habit than you think? As you go through the exercise at the heart of this two-part session, you’ll be surprised at how your relationship with fear begins to change. You’ll also have a simple but powerful way of freeing yourself from “the fear habit”, along with any other habits you may struggle with in your life.

Session Six: Essential Selfishness

We’ve all heard that “in case of an emergency” we should put our own oxygen masks on first so that we can better take care of those around us. But for many of us, that means we don’t put ourselves first unless and until things have gotten pretty bad and we notice that we’re in danger of going down with the plane. During this session, you’ll take a deep dive into why selfishness has gotten such a bad rap over the years and how taking better care of yourself naturally leads to both fearless living and caring more fully for others.

Session Seven: Fearless Navigation

In times of great uncertainty we have two choices. We can do our best to mitigate that uncertainty by attempting to predict and navigate imaginary futures, or we can take advantage of our inner GPS to guide us by feel and create seemingly effortless success in our endeavors. In this final session, you’ll get a tangible sense of how your real-time responsive intelligence can work in harmony with your intellect to create positive futures in every area of your life. You’ll find yourself living more fully in the present moment and taking up residence in the space beyond fear.

Bonus Session: Stories, Metaphors, and More

In this bonus session, I share a few of my favorite metaphors and stories about fear. As you listen, you’ll realize how easy it can be to get caught up in fear and how quickly things can completely change for the better.

Here's a sneak preview from Session Six or you to enjoy:

What you will receive when you order

Eight professionally filmed and edited videos
The recordings of two live Q&A webinars with Michael

Cost: $99

Join me for this surprisingly fun and transformative exploration of what it’s like to live fearlessly – to show up, be yourself, and see what happens with nothing to fear and everything to play for.

If order your copy of Living Fearlessly today you’ll receive two bonus videos series that are yours to keep!


Order today and get A Whole New Way of Thinking about Fear and Worry added to your order at no cost!

Living Fearlessly helped me to fundamentally change my relationship with fear and more specifically my insecure thinking. For me, insecurity was the definite biggie!

Before, I came across Michael’s work, I was living in insecure thinking despite knowing, teaching and using all the NLP and therapeutic techniques designed to let go of emotions and limitations! I had become, without realising it, hard on others, cold, detached and dismissive. 
It feels now that although scary (sometimes terrifying) insecure thoughts come to visit… I don’t have to be a host and entertain them.
I was terrified that I had acted on insecure thinking (in a cause/effect kind of way) and was convinced they directly caused some consequences which I found difficult to bear. I have an inkling now that I was acting from wisdom all along, and that cause/effect is a simplistic but flawed idea.
What I am starting to see is that I can listen more deeply than my thoughts, and hear my deeper wisdom gently showing me the way.
Inner wisdom awakens us to the potential for new beginnings and a life lived with a deep sense of knowing that has the power to change everything.
With deep gratitude, Michael.  I love exploring this ..whatever this is (!) and know your work impacts everyone it touches. Thank you.

Kim, United Kingdom

Up until now, I’ve been navigating my fearful life using a little grace, a touch of luck, and a whole lot of tricks. I read ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ over 20 years ago, and although extremely valuable, that way of life has in many ways missed the mark.
More than ever before the world is crying out for a spiritual teacher who speaks everyday language, who speaks from the heart, and speaks to our modern-day dilemmas.
My favourite teachers are Buddha and Ramana Maharshi but Michael is a firm number three!

Sarah Barrett

This course has brought deeper understanding, both of the obvious and more subtle ways I scare myself every day. I now see that feeling feelings is what we are made for, and allows us to live a fuller life. The ocean can never be engulfed , however big and scary the waves – although as yet, that is still an intellectual understanding that I will likely lose sight of in the midst of the storm. But overall, I have a real sense that indeed ‘if we could just learn not to be afraid of our experience, that alone would change the world’

Julie, United Kingdom

Thank you for putting together the Living Fearlessly program. The parts that have been especially helpful to me are that we do it to ourselves (scare ourselves), we’ve made a habit out of it, and that fear can actually bring us back to our true Self.

I have read a lot about self growth over the past twenty or so years. Michael’s take on fear is refreshing and very clearly explained. I love his use of quotes and analogies. 

Kiri Parr

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