You’re amazing. I’ll help you live that way.

The Cafe is my content and community website – a one stop shop to watch and listen to all your favorite content from the Inner Circle, my self study programs, and the recordings from our live interactive trainings.  

Tired of seeking? Lost your mojo? Need a recharge?

Whether you’re looking for a quick boost of inspiration, a space to rest and reflect, or a whole new way of being in the world, every one of our podcasts, self study catalyst programs and videos series has been created to point you to the space of quiet possibility within you where you are already complete and whole.


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Here’s how to get started:

1. Watch any or all of these three videos to quickly understand how my approach is different and why it works so well:

2. Take my free Basic Course in the inside-out understanding

3. Consider joining one of my membership communities for as little as $10 a month to get the chance to speak with me live, access to exclusive resources, and discounts on many of our online and in-person programs.

There are three ways to dive in and join our growing community!

We’ve re-jigged our Inner Circle memberships to better support you in your ongoing exploration, expansion, and grounding. You’re membership will be a safe harbor for you to rest, refresh, and re-inspire yourself between adventures and a lighthouse to guide your way when things get a bit rocky.
✔️ Inner Circle Silver members ($10 a month) get all of the perks PLUS a 20% discount off all programs under $500
✔️ Inner Circle Gold members ($99 a year) get all the perks PLUS a 40% discount on all programs under $500
✔️ Inner Circle Platinum members ($495 a year) get all the perks plus a FREE place on all online programs under $500 AND so much more!

Silver Membership

$ 10 Month
  • Ask Michael Anything Live Monthly Webinars
  • Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul Email
  • Falling in Love with... Series
    (exclusive access to new releases)
  • A Whole New Way of Thinking About Series
    (50 in the series)
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  • Inside Out Live Workshops (over 80 hours)
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  • Backstage Pass
  • 20% Discount Code*
  • Private Online Social Group
  • Access via the free Caffeine for Soul app

Gold Membership

$ 99 Year
  • Ask Michael Anything Live Monthly Webinar
  • Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul Email
  • Falling in Love with... Series
    (exclusive access to new releases)
  • A Whole New Way of Thinking About Series
    (50 in the series)
  • Radio Show Archive (400 shows)
  • Inside Out Live Workshops (over 80 hours)
  • Blog Archive
  • Backstage Pass
  • 40% Discount Code*
  • Private Online Social Group
  • Access via the free Caffeine for Soul app

Platinum Membership

$ 495 Year
  • Ask Michael Anything Live Monthly Webinar
  • Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul Email
  • Falling in Love with... Series
    (exclusive access to new releases)
  • A Whole New Way of Thinking About Series
    (50 in the series)
  • Radio Show Archive (400 shows)
  • Inside Out Live Workshops (over 80 hours)
  • Blog Archive
  • Backstage Pass
  • Private Online Social Group
  • Access via the free Caffeine for the Soul app
  • Additional Monthly Webinars with Michael*
  • Exclusive Monthly Videos*
  • Instant access to ALL Self Catalyst Programs*
    (worth over $2000)
  • Free place on ALL online programs under $500*
  • Supercoupon to save 10% off ANYTHING*

Michael has a lovely manner and explained everything in a way that made complete sense. His analogies are perfect. I had a lot of 'aha' moments throughout the course and, although I still have work to do with allowing my thoughts to control my day, I am much more aware of the times when I'm living 'outside-in' rather than 'inside-out'. Thank you for this, Michael!

Whatever I choose to listen to / watch / read, I know I’ll have an ‘aha’ moment. And there are so many things to choose from, that I know I’ll find the one I need for that day. I love to come here a bit like these books you love and read again and again, just opening a page at random, knowing that it will be helpful. The Inner Circle is just like that, no matter the page I open, it is always helpful.

I love the content. It offers so much possibility for one's personal development and to increase one's happiness and fulfilment. I also love Michael's nature and how he presents. He draws you in and has a lovely way about him. Thank you!

My favorite thing is the plethora of different kinds (both in terms of content and medium) of information it contains, which give me the chance to deepen my understanding by looking at the reality from different angles. For such a modest investment in terms of money, it is a true bargain!

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Caffeine for the Soul Podcast

A series of over 400 espresso-sized podcasts to wake you up to …

Michael Neill presents his concepts with such a compassionate manner, it’s as if you’re talking things over with a friend.

I LOVE LOVE the “A Whole New Way” series. It’s the perfect way to take a brief but deep dive into some very common and helpful topics, and they’re perfect introductions to this understanding for my clients.

There's always something to discover, as well as so many ways to expand and simplify my thoughts in areas I wasn't even aware of needing new thinking & expansion! It's pretty much like dipping into a bottomless well of much-needed wisdom.