The Obstacle Course to Success

Cost: $99

In this twelve session online video program, I share the inside-out understanding and how it turns each of the nine obstacles to success from problems to stepping stones so you can enjoy the journey from wherever you are to wherever you’d like to be.

In each session, I share insights into the nature of creation, obstacles, and how the mind works that turn the game of success on its head and make it obvious why there are times when creating what you want seems effortless and other times where it feels like a constant struggle. Each session also contains an assignment – either a thought experiment or a real-world exercise to highlight the key points and catalyze your own insights and breakthroughs.

If you’d like to be able to take on even your biggest obstacles with a sense of lightness, possibility, and hope, this program was made with you in mind!


Discover the missing piece of the puzzle and enjoy the journey to happy success!

Nearly thirty years ago, I set out on an unofficial mission to uncover the secrets of success, happiness, and well-being, to live them in my own life, and to share the best of what I learned with others. Along the way, I’ve had the opportunity to work with tens of thousands of people who are pursuing success in its many forms.

In this twelve session online video program, I share the inside-out understanding and how it turns each of the nine obstacles to success from problems to stepping stones so you can enjoy the journey from wherever you are to wherever you’d like to be.

The Obstacle Course to Success

I’ve had the opportunity to work with tens of thousands of people who are pursuing success in its many forms. When I would ask them “what stops you?”, the answers would inevitably land in one of more of nine distinct categories.

I created the Obstacle Analysis Grid as a simple means of quickly identifying obstacles to success and developed numerous strategies and techniques to overcome them. This model served as the basis for my work as a coach and consultant over a number of years, and I wrote about them extensively in my number one bestselling book, You Can Have What You Want, and my audio program Effortless Success.

What was puzzling to me was that sometimes people would easily overcome the obstacles without any apparent technique and other people could stay stuck no matter how many things they tried. In 2007, I stumbled across the missing piece of the puzzle – an understanding of the inside-out nature of the human mind.

In this twelve session online video program, I share the inside-out understanding and how it turns each of the nine obstacles to success from problems to stepping stones so you can enjoy the journey from wherever you are to wherever you’d like to be.

In each session, I share insights into the nature of creation, obstacles, and how the mind works that turn the game of success on its head and make it obvious why there are times when creating what you want seems effortless and other times where it feels like a constant struggle.

Each session also contains an assignment – either a thought experiment or a real-world exercise to highlight the key points and catalyze your own insights and breakthroughs.

If you’d like to be able to take on even your biggest obstacles with a sense of lightness, possibility, and hope, this program was made with you in mind!

Cost: $99

In this twelve session online video program, I share the inside-out understanding and how it turns each of the nine obstacles to success from problems to stepping stones so you can enjoy the journey from wherever you are to wherever you’d like to be.

In each session, I share insights into the nature of creation, obstacles, and how the mind works that turn the game of success on its head and make it obvious why there are times when creating what you want seems effortless and other times where it feels like a constant struggle. Each session also contains an assignment – either a thought experiment or a real-world exercise to highlight the key points and catalyze your own insights and breakthroughs.


Here's what we'll be exploring together, session by session:

Session One: How to Get the Most Out of this Program

Two questions to get started
The power of insight
Letting things come to you

Session Two: The Obstacle Grid

Exploring what success means to you
What stops you?
Introducing the nine obstacle areas

Session Three: Everything You Need to Know about Being Human

Diamonds, horse crap, and nail polish
Uncovering innate intelligence
Where our feelings come from

Session Four: All About Information

Exploring what success means to you
Beyond Google
How to solve any problem

Session Five: Accelerating the Learning Curve

Skills vs. “Natural” ability
The open secret of skill development
Seeing more about the nature of thought

Session Six: Beyond Belief

Developing a new relationship with failure
Why “believing in yourself” rarely helps
The X-factor in predicting the future

Session Seven: Unlimited Energy

What “psychosomatic” really points to
The three sources of energy
Plugging in to the mains

Session Eight: Other People

How our relationships with others are created and maintained
The nature of connection
A different agenda for meeting people

Session Nine: Inspired Motivation

Why we do what we don’t want to do
Falling in love with pretty much anything
The key to inspired motivation

Session Ten: Bending Time

The “bendy-ness” of time
Black and White time management
Priority planning

Session Eleven: Creating Money

The history of money
What money is actually for
How to create anything you want

Session Twelve: Understanding Fear

The clarity of fear
The nature of worry
Making fear irrelevant

Here's Session Two: The Obstacle Grid for you to enjoy:

What you will receive when you order

Twelve sessions of professionally filmed and edited videos
Bonus Session: Redefining Success

The program in review
Exploring possibility
An “enlightened” view of success

Each session also contains an assignment – either a thought experiment or a real-world exercise to highlight the key points and catalyze your own insights and breakthroughs.
Recordings from the week of live webinars where I went through each obstacle area in more depth and answer your specific questions about how the material in the program can positively impact your success in every area of your life.

Cost: $99

In this twelve session online video program, I share the inside-out understanding and how it turns each of the nine obstacles to success from problems to stepping stones so you can enjoy the journey from wherever you are to wherever you’d like to be.

In each session, I share insights into the nature of creation, obstacles, and how the mind works that turn the game of success on its head and make it obvious why there are times when creating what you want seems effortless and other times where it feels like a constant struggle. Each session also contains an assignment – either a thought experiment or a real-world exercise to highlight the key points and catalyze your own insights and breakthroughs.


How to access the program after you order

Getting instant access to the program on the website or app couldn't be easier!

I have just finished the Obstacle Course and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of new fresh thoughts to play with. In some ways I thought the last video was the best. It’s certainly a brilliant summary. So definitely something for you to look forward to as you approach the finishing line! Thanks Michael for another great experience

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