Here’s how it all works…

We’ll begin on Monday the 2nd of May with The Advanced Course 2022. Each weekday from Monday to Friday we’ll get together online at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern/4pm UK/5pm CET to explore getting real with the Three Principles following three weekly themes:

Week One – “No, really!”
Week Two – “So what?”
Week Three – “Yeah, but…”

We’ll cap off our final week together with two days of deeper exploration, sitting in the peace of Mind and riding the elevator of Consciousness. Then over the next four months, we’ll spend six more full days together online culminating in September.

You’ll also get:

  • Six masterclasses with me and some of my favorite teachers, mentors, and guides in this understanding
  • Over 60 short videos especially created to help you touch the space within between our live interactions
  • An online (but off Facebook) forum group to share your experiences and deepen your sense of being part of a spiritual community
  • Instant access to 60+ short videos from last year’s Going Deeper program, each one taking a closer look at spiritual teachings in the light of the Three Principles understanding
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Program Includes

  • 9 Sessions
  • 24 Lessons