The Living from Mind Mastermind is a seven month small group experience with three simple intentions:
• To increase the depth, purity, and duration of our time spent in the feeling and presence of Mind
• To follow our own inclinations and guidance and see Mind’s presence and workings more clearly in the eyes and hearts of others and the soul of the world
• To fall in love with life, regardless of circumstances
We will begin our time together in December with a 5 day online immersion retreat, awakening and amplifying this energy within us and beginning to explore what it really means to live in and from the deeper Mind.
Early on each month from January through June, we’ll reconnect in depth. We’ll take a day out to pull back, refresh, reground and if needed rebound from the drama and adventures of our daily lives. Then later in each month, we’ll meet up for 90 minutes to touch base, ask and answer questions, and share our “wins and wows”.
I will also meet with each person in the group twice individually over the course of our time together for both personal attunement and coaching support.