The Secrets of Effortless Success

This October, you can join me to learn “The Secrets of Effortless Success” in our popular 3 week format. We’ll meet online for an hour a day, Monday to Friday, and by the end of our time together you’ll be experiencing more ease, freedom, and possibility around your life than you may have imagined possible. You’ll also gain insight into the difference between setting goals and following simple desire, and between creating linear action plans and taking inspired action.

Here are our themes for each of the three weeks:

Week One – Effortless Being

We’ll begin our time together with an exploration of being. As I wrote about it in The Space Within:

“There is a space within you where you are already perfect, whole, and complete. It is a space of pure consciousness – the space inside which all thoughts come and go.

When you rest in the feeling of this space, the warmth of it heals your mind and body. When you operate from the infinite creative potential of this space, you produce high levels of performance and creative flow. When you sit in the openness of this space with others, you experience a level of connection and intimacy that is breathtakingly enjoyable and filled with love. And when you explore this space more deeply, you will find yourself growing closer and closer to the divine, even if you’re not sure there is such a thing and wouldn’t know how to talk about it if there was.”

Week Two – Effortless Doing<

In our second week together, we’ll explore what the taoist sages called “wu wei” – the principle of effortless action.

There is a kind of living wisdom which is always available to us in the moment but only rarely accessible when trying to look too far into the past or plan too far ahead into the future. The less in touch we are with this living wisdom, the more it seems like we need rules and regulations, five year plans and seven step strategies in order to succeed. The more in touch with it we are, the more we act appropriately in the moment and the more things seem to work out as if by design.

In sharing this at a business conference in a room full of CEO’s and entrepreneurs, someone raised their hand and said “If we get things wrong in our business there are very real world consequences, but It sounds like you’re telling us we should just fly by the seat of our pants. Isn’t that irresponsible?”

My response was only slightly tongue in cheek.

“I’m not saying that you should fly by the seat of your pants; I’m saying that the seat of your pants has wings. “

In other words, the mind is made to work beautifully, creatively, and responsively in real time.  And when we use the mind the way it’s designed to work, it allows us the gift of effortless action – to do less, better.

Week Three – Effortless Living

Barbara Banks, who was married to the Scottish mystic Syd Banks before and after his enlightenment experience, once said “You can have anything you want in life – you just have to actually want it.”

During our third week together, we’ll be connecting the dots between being and doing and exploring the question “if this is how life works, then how do I live?”

Topics covered will include:

  • knowing what you actually want (as opposed to what you think you can get)
  • navigating by desire
  • effortless productivity
  • finding a solid foundation in an increasingly unstable world
And here’s how it all works:

Dates: October 3rd – October 21st (Monday to Friday)

We’ll meet by video conference for an hour each day, Monday to Friday, at 8am pacific/11am eastern/4pm UK. I’ll get us started with some reflections on the daily and weekly themes, and then we’ll dive into dialogue and coaching to explore where theory meets practice and the rubber meets the road in your own life.

All sessions will be recorded and the audio will be available for streaming or download. We’ll also have a dedicated Genius Catalyst Cafe forum group for participants that will open up for introductions on the 1st of October.

Program Content

Not Enrolled

Program Includes

  • 2 Sessions
  • 3 Lessons