Inner Circle Platinum Membership

Your annual cost is just $495

The annual cost for you Inner Circle Platinum Membership is just $495, which includes all of our existing products (nearly $4000 when purchased individually) and a free place on any workshop or training I offer throughout the year up to $500. In 2023, that included Creating the Impossible (and Becoming Discouragement Proof), The Advanced Course, You’re A Big Deal with Mavis Karn, The Invitation and Get Sh*t Done that would have cost over $1000!




Our Platinum Membership a new community within the community – a chance for those of you who really love the feeling and fruits of waking up to your soul to be part of a kind of “secular Satsang”.

Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means “gathering together for the truth” or, more simply, “being with the truth”, and that is the primary purpose of this community – to gather together to be with the the truth of life and rest and revel in our own divine engineering.

In practice, what that means is that along with all the current Inner Circle benefits, Platinum members also get:

  • A monthly Going Deeper video where I’ll share some aspect of my own current explorations
  • A monthly Going Deeper webinar with me focused on resting in the peace and power of the deeper mind
  • Instant access to ALL of our current products, including the complete A Whole New Way of Thinking About… series, Living Fearlessly, Experiencing God (with Anita Moorjani), Getting Good at Getting Good (with George Pransky), and more
  • A free place on any workshop or training I offer throughout the year up to $500. In 2023, that included Creating the Impossible (and Becoming Discouragement Proof), The Advanced Course, You’re A Big Deal with Mavis Karn, The Invitation and Get Sh*t Done that would have cost over $1000!
Join today for $495 a year