Things I’m Avoiding Doing December Challenge Day Twenty-One – Are You Done Yet?
We’re three weeks into our December challenge, and I wanted to check in with you and see if you’re actually done with your list yet. While you may have had a litany of things or even just one or two larger-scale projects, it’s entirely possible that your list is now empty or you’ve passed the point of no return – the tipping point where it would be harder to stop yourself from completing your list than it is to keep going.
If that’s you, congratulations!
You’re under no obligation to complete the program, because it was only ever designed as a catalyst to spark your own insights into and action towards the things you’d been avoiding doing. Hopefully you’ve at least begun to realize that most things succumb more quickly to action than psychology, and doing whatever it takes to get started on something is all it takes to get it done.
If not, not to worry – we’ve got ten more days together of interesting and inspirational creative sparks to play with!
Have fun, learn heaps, and welcome to the home stretch…