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Coaching Magic

Coaching Magic
(November 12th-14th)

One of the best ways to spark your own magic is to have the chance to watch great coaches coach. This intensive will be built around watching me work with “real people” new to the principles understanding along with the chance to put what you’re learning into practice. I’ll be doing both “short-form” sessions and a full 2 1/2 day intensive as part of our time together!

Topics covered include:

  • Seeing the innate health and potential in your clients
  • Transformative presence – making more of a difference by being more of who you really are
  • How the coaching relationship makes impact more or less likely to occur
  • Why breakthroughs are always possible (and how to help people have more of them)


We will run from 10am – 5pm EST each day, which is 7am – 2pm Pacific and 3pm – 10pm in the UK.

Not Enrolled

Program Includes

  • 2 Sessions