
  • 1 Session

    It’s That Simple – Bonus Video

    In this 90 minute live talk given at St James Church in London in June 2022, Michael shares some early drafts of the book which has now become ‘It’s That Simple’ by Mavis Karn.
  • 5 Sessions

    Learning How to Thrive Video Bundle

    What if it were possible to take on even the most difficult of circumstances with ease, well-being, resilience, and a sense of humor? In this series of five workshops with some very special guests, I explore our natural resilience and how to bounce back from any adversity in less time and with less struggle than you…
  • 6 Sessions

    Living A Guided Life

    Living a Guided Life (November 1st – 19th)A 3 week exploration into the heart of the inside-out understanding and a gently powerful way of being in the worldIn over 30 years spent working with high-achievers in all areas of life, I’ve noticed that the people who consistently thrive have somehow stumbled across the ability to…
  • 10 Sessions

    Living Fearlessly Self Study Program

    What if it were possible to live your life without fear, worry, or anxiety getting in your way? What if fear isn’t connected to what’s happening in your world but rather a response to what’s happening inside your mind? What would you do with your one and only precious life if you weren’t afraid? Each session in this…
  • 12 Sessions

    Living from Mind

    I’m looking forward to exploring what it is to live in and from the deeper mind with you, and I know from personal experience what a rich and rewarding exploration it will be!
  • 14 Sessions

    Living from Mind Mastermind

    The Living from Mind Mastermind is a seven month small group experience with three simple intentions: • To increase the depth, purity, and duration of our time spent in the feeling and presence of Mind • To follow our own inclinations and guidance and see Mind’s presence and workings more clearly in the eyes and…
  • 14 Sessions

    Living from the Inside Out

    Welcome to The Basic Course in Living from the Inside Out Join me as I share an extraordinary new understanding of how life works that turns traditional psychology on its head. This revolutionary approach is built around three simple principles that explain where our feelings come from and how our experience of life can transform…
  • 3 Sessions

    Living in a State of Meditation

    ​On the 10th of June, you can join bestselling authors Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Michael Neill for a fascinating and surprisingly fun day of exploration and meditation. The purpose of the day is to not only give you a real-time experience of resting in your own well-being but to trigger insights that will allow you…
  • 4 Sessions

    Living Insightfully

    Living Insightfully is a light-hearted deep dive into the nature of insight and what it means to look to the real-time responsive intelligence inside you to answer questions, solve or resolve problems, and guide your path through life. Beginning on the 4th of November, we’ll meet online each day (Monday to Friday) at 8am pacific/11am eastern/4pm…
  • 41 Sessions

    Might Help, Can’t Hurt! Conversations with Leaders, Doers, and Friends

    A series of impromptu “private conversations made public” with people who inspire me about life in the pandemic, reimagining the future, and whatever weird and wonderful things happen to be on our minds that day!
  • 14 Sessions

    Obstacle Course to Success

    In this twelve session online video program, I share the inside-out understanding and how it turns each of the nine obstacles to success from problems to stepping stones so you can enjoy the journey from wherever you are to wherever you’d like to be. In each session, I share insights into the nature of creation,…
  • 2 Sessions

    One Thought Away

    Date: 22nd June, 2022 Location: Conway Hall, London Timing: 10am-5pm UK FREE BONUS: When you register, you will receive instant access to “It’s a Feeling” – a bundle of recordings featuring over twelve hours of content recorded live with Michael Neill and Dr. Dicken Bettinger, including Living Beyond the Known (audio), Oneness (audio), and Things I Want My…
  • 2 Sessions

    One Thought Away – Recordings

    Does it ever seem to you like your life is an uphill battle? Do you wish you could experience more joy, ease, and freedom without working so hard at it all the time? Would you be open to things changing for the better without effort, struggle, or strain? If you’re ready for an easier, gentler,…