
  • 4 Sessions

    Supercoach Masterclass Series

    What if you could be mentored by some of the most powerful master coaches in the world? Imagine being able to sit with Picasso as he finished up a painting and then having the opportunity to ask him questions about his technique afterwards. Or watching your favorite athlete win a race, score a goal, or…
  • 12 Sessions

    Supercoach Self-Coaching Program

    This twelve session video coaching program gives you a front row seat for the kinds of conversations I have with CEO’s and high performers in a wide variety of fields, designed to wake you up to a whole new way of being in the world.  
  • 8 Sessions

    The Awakeners One Year Program

    Beginning this December, I will be leading a one year program in becoming an awakener – someone who facilitates awakening in whatever ways occur to and for them. While there will be echoes of Supercoach Academy and the Genius Catalyst Certification program along the way, what sets this program apart is the focus on practicum,…
  • 8 Sessions

    The Basic Course

    For each of the lessons below, you can begin with written text, audio, or video (whichever appeals most). It’s worth noting that every piece of writing, audio, or video is a different way of pointing to that lesson’s topic. While you will ultimately get the most out of the program by exploring it in all…
  • 2 Sessions

    The Caffeine for the Soul Immersion

    The Caffeine for the Soul Immersion (December 8th – 12th)A 5 day deep dive to help you come alive and bring your genius to lifeAre you tired of trying to balance living a spiritual life with the sometimes harsh realities of the world we live in?Do you ever wish you could just relax and enjoy…
  • 2 Sessions

    The Client Catalyst Intensive

    Live-streaming only December 2nd – 4th  The early 20th century motivational teacher William Arthur Ward said: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” Over the course of these three live-streaming days, you’ll get the chance to watch me work with a brand-new client in my office, following…
  • 11 Sessions

    The Genius Catalyst Certification Program

    The Professional Certification Track This is for you if you would like to or are already working professionally as a transformation professional and want to increase your impact within the context of your field.  It includes a guaranteed in person or live-streaming place on all four intensives, along with five extra training days with Michael…
  • 12 Sessions

    The Genius Catalyst Certification Program 2023

    At regular intervals throughout the training, participants in the professional certification track will meet in a small group with Michael and/or members of the Genius Catalyst faculty and be put “on the spot” with specific tasks designed to take your impact to the next level. Those tasks will be custom-created for each small group, and…
  • 10 Sessions

    The Genius Catalyst Program

    The Genius Catalyst Intensive program beginning live and live-streaming from New York City in September, London in November, and Los Angeles in February of 2023. Each of the four catalyst intensives will be led by me, and will include multiple opportunities to learn how lasting change actually happens, watch me work with others in real time,…
  • 2 Sessions

    The Life Catalyst Intensive

    The Reverend Howard Thurman, a student of Gandhi and teacher of Martin Luther King, once wrote: “Don’t ask what the world needs – ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”   In a world of ever-increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity…
  • 1 Session

    The Little Princess and the Palace of Wisdom – Bonus Video

    Filmed live in Talin in July 2022 at MindValley University, Michael shared the story of ‘The Little Princess and the Palace of Wisdom’ for the first time.
  • 2 Sessions

    The Personal Catalyst Intensive

    The sociologist Joseph Campbell famously said: “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our innermost being…