Things I’m Avoiding Doing December Challenge Day Nineteen – The Million Dollar Question
In my early work with clients, I remember being surprised at how often someone would say they wanted to do something and then come up with incredibly plausible sounding stories about why they couldn’t. It was often not obvious to me whether or not the stories were actually true, but it was obvious that they believed them and would pass a lie detector test defending them.
So I came up with something I call “the Million Dollar question”:
If I were going to offer you a million dollars for the successful completion of any task on your list, would you get it done? How would you do it? When?
About 95% of the time, people quickly saw through their stories and set about completing their tasks; the other 5% of the time they either realized they really were unable to complete it (which then allowed them to take it off their list), or they really didn’t want to complete it, they just thought they should.
For today, check anything that’s still on your list of things you’re avoiding doing and ask yourself the Million Dollar question:
If I were going to offer you a million dollars for the successful completion of that item, would you get it done? How would you do it? When?
In most cases you’ll at the very least get past the idea that there’s a real-world obstacle holding you back, and if you want to make it happen, you will.
Have fun, learn heaps, and happy exploring!