Would you like to go deeper into the inside-out understanding?
For well over a decade I’ve been writing, speaking, teaching, and coaching people from an understanding of the mind known over the years as “the three principles”, “health realization”, or as I like to call it, “the inside-out understanding”. When we begin to see that we’re living in a thought-created experience of life, we’re able to hold things more lightly and adapt more quickly to changing times. As we uncover and nurture our inner spark of “genius” (i.e. aliveness, intelligence, and creativity), we find ourselves feeling at peace, able to thrive and enjoy our lives without having to know what happens next or how things will turn out in the end.
I created my Inner Circle as a place for people who want to go deeper into my work with me as their companion and guide.
Our memberships are a space where miracles happen – some dramatic, some slow and steady over time. Either way, they’re one of the best ways I’ve found to share the inside-out understanding in a community built around love, understanding, and a slightly wicked sense of humor…
Here’s what you’ll get when you join:
Next 'Ask Me Anything' Webinar
Live and interactive monthly “Ask Me Anything” webinars where you can, well, ask me anything about what it takes to come alive and bring your genius to life. You’ll also have access to the recordings of all the past webinars for past 5 years!

I love anything Michael, and being in the Inner Circle feels a bit like a kid let loose in a candy store. There are so many options, so much to listen to, bringing me many ‘aha’ moments that are very uplifting.
Barbara Rosen
The Living from the Inside-Out self-study program, one of our most-popular introductions to the Three Principles and how they impact every area of your life ($49 value)

There's always something to discover, as well as so many ways to expand and simplify my thoughts in areas I wasn't even aware of needing new thinking & expansion! It's pretty much like dipping into a bottomless well of much-needed wisdom.
Aubrey Thorne Carey
Premier access to the brand new ‘Falling In Love with..‘ video series available to watch on demand and new releases every month. (value over $200 a year)
Here are just a few topics you’ll have immediate access to:
Noticing, The Now, Inspiration, Selling, Being Yourself, Getting Shit Done, Loving What You Love, Your Body, Wei Wu
Watch Falling in Love with Life
All our members get instant access to ALL of the Falling in Love with.. video series and premier access to each new release - worth over $200!
There is so much wonderful, high quality content. As well as contact time with Michael via webinars. Plus a discount code! What’s not to love thank you!
Lindsey Elliott
The ‘Backstage Pass’ gives you temporary access to a piece of content which is either not available for purchase or is only available as part of our paid programs. Each piece will be available for a short period of time, then it will disappear and be replaced by a new bit of private content for you to enjoy!
The Inner Circle discount began as a simple way of saying “thank you” to our members, but has become one of the most used and appreciated features of the membership.
- Silver members save 20%*
- Gold members save 40%*
* on all products and programs under $500

I love the monthly webinars, the discount code, and the chance to listen to the radio show archives (the radio show is still my favorite thing Michael’s done and I’m sad he’s not doing it anymore!) I also LOVE LOVE the “A Whole New Way” series. It’s the perfect way to take a brief but deep dive into some very common and helpful topics, and they’re perfect introductions to this understanding for my clients.
Nicholas Pallesen
24/7 access to the best material from the Genius Catalyst archives, including:
✔️ Nearly 400 episodes of my Hay House radio shows which you can search for any topic that interests you.
✔️ A searchable archive of hundreds of my blogs posts and tips from the past 10 years.
✔️ Over 80 hours of live talks, and workshops on topics from creative genius to parenting to problem solving, saving the world and success! (value $600)
Preview: Can The World Really Change in 2 Hours
Access to the ‘A Whole New Way of Thinking About…‘ video series with 50 programs available to watch on demand. (value over $1000)
Here are just a few topics you’ll have immediate access to:
Anxiety, Burnout, Confidence, Discouragement, Hope, Imposter Syndrome, Parenting, Public Speaking, Regret, Sales, Self-Care, Stress, Time Management, Weight Loss and Worry.
Watch Part One of A Whole New Way of Thinking About Reality
All our members get instant access to ALL of the A Whole New Way of Thinking About.. video series - worth over $1000!
Whatever I choose to listen to / watch / read, I know I’ll have an ‘aha’ moment. And there are so many things to choose from, that I know I’ll find the one I need for that day. I love to come here a bit like these books you love and read again and again, just opening a page at random, knowing that it will be helpful. The Inner Circle is just like that, no matter the page I open, it is always helpful.
Claire Wild
A Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul, where every weekday we’ll email you a piece of writing designed to challenge your habitual thinking, catalyze your wisdom and creativity, and help you wake up and stay awake to the best you have inside you!

An online social group exclusive to the Caffeine for Soul app to connect and explore with over 1000 like minded people all over the world,
I am so grateful to be a part of this community. You bring so many blessings my way just by holding the space, by being vulnerable and sharing, by asking questions, by sharing insights, love and laughter, and all the good stuff that goes on here in the group and on the calls. Thank you, I love you all!
Lesley Darling
There are three ways to dive in and join our growing community!
Our Platinum Membership a new community within the community – a chance for those of you who really love the feeling and fruits of waking up to your soul to be part of a kind of “secular Satsang”.
Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means “gathering together for the truth” or, more simply, “being with the truth”, and that is the primary purpose of this community – to gather together to be with the the truth of life and rest and revel in our own divine engineering.
In practice, what that means is that along with all the current Inner Circle benefits, Platinum members also get:
- A monthly Going Deeper video where I’ll share some aspect of my own current explorations (and video archive)
- A monthly Going Deeper webinar with me focused on resting in the peace and power of the deeper mind (and call archive)
- Instant access to ALL of our current on demand products (under $500) including the complete A Whole New Way of Thinking About… series, A User’s Guide to Being Yourself (with Mavis Karn) Living Fearlessly, Experiencing God (with Anita Moorjani), Getting Good at Getting Good (with George Pransky), and more
- A free place on any online workshop or training I offer throughout the year up to $500. In 2024, that includes Creating the Impossible (and Getting Customers and Clients from the Inside Out), The Advanced Course parts one and two, and Unf*cking Your Relationship with Money – that would cost over $500!
- One “Supercoupon”. Your Supercoupon can be used once per year of membership and will save you 10% on absolutely any program you book on. That means it could save you $500 on a Genius Catalyst 1:1 session with me, $500 on an Infinite Potential, Infinite Possibilities small group coaching intensive, $3000+ dollars on private coaching, or even up to $7500 on an apprenticeship (space permitting)
Next 'Going Deeper' Webinar for Platinum Members...

Platinum Membership
Ask Michael Anything Live Monthly Webinar
Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul Email
Falling in Love with... Series
(exclusive access to new releases -sold at $19.95 each) -
A Whole New Way of Thinking About Series
(50 in the series - value over $1000) -
Radio Show Archive (400 shows)
Inside Out Live Workshops (over 80 hours - value $600)
Blog Archive
Backstage Pass
Private Online Social Group
Access via the free Caffeine for the Soul app
Additional Monthly Webinars with Michael*
Exclusive Monthly Videos*
Instant access to ALL Self Catalyst Programs under $500*
Free place on ALL online programs under $500*
Supercoupon to save 10% off ANYTHING*
Our Platinum members get instant access to ALL of our self study programs (under $500) worth over $1500
Our Gold and Silver members get instant access to ALL our video series and new releases each month - worth over $2000!

Silver Membership
Ask Michael Anything Live Monthly Webinars
Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul Email
Falling in Love with... Series
(exclusive access to new releases - sold at $19.95 each) -
A Whole New Way of Thinking About Series
(50 in the series - value over $1000) -
Radio Show Archive (400 shows)
Inside Out Live Workshops (over 80 hours - value $600)
Blog Archive
Backstage Pass
20% Discount Code*
Private Online Social Group
Access via the free Caffeine for Soul app

Gold Membership
Ask Michael Anything Live Monthly Webinar
Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul Email
Falling in Love with... Series
(exclusive access to new releases -sold at $19.95 each) -
A Whole New Way of Thinking About Series
(50 in the series - value over $1000) -
Radio Show Archive (400 shows)
Inside Out Live Workshops (over 80 hours - value $600)
Blog Archive
Backstage Pass
40% Discount Code*
Private Online Social Group
Access via the free Caffeine for Soul app
I have been searching for the space before words for 30 years of my life. This space is peaceful, sweet, beautiful, and comes with a nourishing feeling. It is expansive and still. There is nothing and everything here. It is home. People often call this place “spirit” or “God”, and before working with Michael Neill I would touch this place for a nanosecond and then desperately try to find my way back.
My time with Michael has helped to wake me up to and deepen my awareness of this place inside me. It has allowed me to rest in and live more of my life from this space regardless of context – at home with family, at work with clients – anywhere and everywhere I go. Best of all, I can easily find my way back when it seems as though I’ve lost my way. If you get the chance to study with Michael, I highly recommend you take it so you can sit back, relax, and experience this space more and more for yourself while impacting the people around you through presence, love, compassion, and a deeper understanding of who and what we really are at core.Anna Scott