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Caffeine for the Soul Podcast

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  1. Latest Episodes
    36 Lessons
  2. 2023 Episodes
    48 Lessons
  3. 2022 Episodes
    50 Lessons
  4. 2021 Episodes
    56 Lessons
  5. 2020 Episodes
    57 Lessons
  6. 2019 Episodes
    49 Lessons
  7. 2018 Episodes
    57 Lessons
  8. 2017 Episodes
    31 Lessons
  9. 2016 Episodes
    74 Lessons
Session 1, Lesson 1
In Progress

A Simpler Way to Navigate Your Life

Session Progress
0% Complete

If you’ve ever driven yourself crazy trying to make a decision, changing your mind on a daily basis, listen in as Michael points out a simpler way to navigate your life that bypasses your inner “arguments” and takes advantage of the elegance of our natural design!